Male Cinema review

Full-frontal male nudity in movies

naked boyMale Cinema has been online since 2010 and until now. That shows that it is quite popular as it is been kept online for so many years.

Male Cinema focuses on male nudity moments from movies. Unlike others sites about male nudity from movies it does not concentrates on male celebs at all which is very peculiar as it gives an idea about how many hot and beautiful naked men you can met in the movies.

The clips are taken from movies of different times – starting from 70s up till now and originating from different countries even West Germany, USSR, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia – those that do not exist any more :). Interestingly that top leading countries are: France and Germany.

The clips are divided into such categories:

  • moments of male nudity: clips with different occasions of naked men from movies.
  • men in showers: naked guys taking showers (as well as common showers – very hot!), naked men bathing, prison and school showers.
  • men naked outdoors: male nudity at the seaside, on the beach, swimming in the river and like that.
  • gay movies: male nudity and gay sex in gay themed movies
  • naked soldiers: nudity in the military movies.
  • straight sex: hot moments from rare films with straight sex, usually vintage.

And there is also a “free videos” section that have video clips published on youtube and dailymotion with “softer” male nudity or without nudity at all but which are quite erotic!

So what is special about Male Cinema and why it has not big collection of video clips but still attracts lots of visitors?

The thing is that other site with male nudity have 90% percent crap in it – videos that are not hot at all! Mostly there are no full-frontal nudity (just naked torsos or bulging crotches) and no sexually exciting moments of nudity, sometimes just very-very short glimpses of nudity.

What is a good side of Male Cinema is that it filters the moments of nudity published in the site and features mostly full-frontal nudity of handsome and appealing men and boys! It seems that the idea was to get visitors to fall in love with some most beautiful men rather then publishing tons of dull stuff that you will delete soon after viewing or that you can get free on youtube.

Inside membership area. 

The area looks very plain and simple. Videos are also sorted into same categories here, on each pages there are rows of images (one image for each video) with links to the videos, name and dates of the movies! Use the bold links (the second link under each image) to start an automatic download to your PC. All videos which screenshots are shown in the preview area are presented there.

Technical information

Video clips are in .wmv and .mp4 formats. If you have problems playing .wmv on non-Windows OS (Mac, Android) or playing .mp4 on Windows OS you need to play them in VLC player:

Support is also offered and can be contacted from the members page. The membership is cancelled automatically at the end of the membership period, there is no recurring billing to worry about! You can pay by card and there are also alternative payments options for Europeans.

You can download to own the video clips without any limitations, they are not protected.

There are no regular updates, as this is not something to be produced every week, so there is no need to wait for anything – just sign up.

I can recommend to have the videos from Male Cinema for everyone who likes beautiful naked men and boys in erotic atmosphere!


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